Diane Duane's 'The Big Meow'

Welcome to the glitzy, murky world of 1946 Hollywood, a smoggy film-noir landscape filled with glamourous starlets, flamboyantly corrupt studio heads, and wicked, pampered cats with hidden agendas; a city of unsolved murders, snoopy screenwriters, scheming PR flacks, and a shadowy, celebrity-ridden cult dabbling in knowledge better left alone -- knowledge which could destroy the world's present and doom its future, if the dreadful promise of the Year of the Black Jaguar is fulfilled...

(Want to read the full "back cover" blurb for The Big Meow? It's now over here.)

And welcome to the weblog for the online Big Meow novel project!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Another challenge grant coming up

Tomorrow, March 28th, at 10:00 GMT (that's 4 AM [US] EST) we'll be starting another challenge grant. A generous donor has put up USD $400.00 in matching funds...so if you've been thinking about a single-chapter subscription to the book (or a full-book subscription, for that matter) this is a great way to make your money go twice as far.

We'll have PayPal buttons up here on the weblog and over at the main website for those who're interested in participating. Grants have been matched more and more quickly each time: the last challenge took less than three hours to match a $500.00 grant.

Maybe we can do it even faster this time. Let's find out...

(And of course there's always the button below for those who just can't wait.)

4:38 PM


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